
Sunday, July 25, 2010

kings get flipped the bird

Pooping pigeons stop Kings of Leon show: Everyone's a critic!

lmfaooooo pigeons stop Kings of Leon from playing..."mother nature flipped them the bird" that is hysteriiicaal! ABANDON SHIP I REPEAT we gotta pigeon pooping problem on our hands here...I would never poop on Kings of Leon...they are too boss...

I remember one time when I was walking into church with my fam & my faj was sooo mad because we were running late (as usual) and karma kicked in...a pigeon lands one smack on his was THE hardest time I evvvverr had not to laugh...he was soo furious it was great! We all went in and prayed for him while he went & changed his shirt...never let pooping pigeons ruin your parade...

p.s. did you know there is a National Pigeon Day?

Pooping pigeons stop Kings of Leon show: Everyone's a critic!

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